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Webinar: We're In It For The Long Haul

We're clearly not back to normal, or the new normal, or the next normal, whatever that means. We're not yet in the post-COVID19 environment, and we don't know when we will be. While your clients may be sending encouraging signals, and some of you are experiencing a thaw, we may not back to
2019 levels for some time. More important, despite Zoom Happy Hours and our leadership efforts, many of our people are exhausted by the ongoing uncertainty, with no end in sight.

You may be exhausted too, but your teams, your partners, your clients and associates need your leadership now more than ever. So the question isn't are you leading, but how effectively?

But there's good news: You're up to the challenge of leading through these ongoing uncertain times, and we're going to help! This leadership webinar will give you a dose of important strategies, thought-provoking insights, and most important, practical steps you can implement to step up, and take the lead.

And when you do so, you'll be more successful at implementing all the agency management, profitability, and business development, and marketing actions you've learned about via CAPRSA's Virtual Spring Conference and webinars over the summer.

Learning Objectives
1. Understand how your leadership energy and emotional intelligence affects everyone you lead
2. Gain a dozen practical actions you can take to help you effectively lead your team members, your clients, your business partners, and yourself through these uncertain times, regardless of when things might return to normal.
3. Learn how to be a more inspiring leader that those groups will actually choose to follow regardless of the environment, and especially during uncertain times, as well as a dose of inspiration around your leadership talents.

Ken Jacobs, ACC, CPC, ELI-MP, is the principal of Jacobs Consulting & Executive Coaching, which
empowers PR, communications, marketing and advertising leaders to achieve and surpass their
organizational, career and personal goals by becoming more inspired and inspiring leaders, and
helps PR and communications agencies grow and manage business, improve client service, and
enhance staff performance, communications, and leadership skills.

Jacobs has provided coaching, consulting, or leadership training for firms of all sizes across the
country and is an active member of Counselors Academy, is a PRSA NY Mentor, and serves on the
board of PRSA NJ where he leads its Senior Professionals Group. The chapter awarded him the
Pyramid Award for Chapter Service in 2014. His leadership column, "Taking The Lead" appears in
PRSA Strategies & Tactics.

Register at Time show is Eastern Standard Time.